Saturday, December 5, 2015


I have noticed that some of my friends, acquaintances, as well as some well known folks, all in their seventies, have recently passed away. This catches my attention because I am in my late sixties, and the fact is... well it is something we all face.

Even though I have had my own health problems from time to time, I don't dwell on the idea of death. In fact, I agree with a poster that one of my friends shared recently, which said something like; "The problem with aging is that people think of you as old, but in your mind you are still young." That is sooooo true, at least for me, and some other folks that I know. But, back to my post.

As I hear about those who have traveled their last mile on this earthly trail, I don't really worry about my own life, since I know, "my times are in His hands." What I do think of is how much more I want to do for other people. How much more I want to teach my grandchildren. How much I would like to lead others to Christ and build others up in the faith. How much insight, knowledge, understanding I would like to share with others, so that they would not have to learn by experience. I have articles I want to write, videos I want to make, sessions I want to address.

Still, my times are in His hands.

I could live for several, several more years. But I can't presume that I will enjoy those added years. I am still eager, I am still driven, I am still burdened, I am still excited: and so much more as I see the dark wave of the last days rush upon our society.

I think another thing that moves me is the lackadaisical attitude of so many who call themselves Christians. The work is plenteous, the night is coming quickly, the laborers are few, and sooo many of the people with the opportunities and abilities to shine the light of Christ, are sitting in a corner with their light hidden away.

Father, I do thank you for the myriad blessings I have, the health and strength I enjoy, the freedom to serve, in a world of turmoil. Spirit of God, use me in a way that pleases You, my God, and draws others to Jesus. In Jesus name...

(11/25/15 dlg on fb)

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