Friday, November 6, 2015

Liberalism's Lethal Lie

Liberalism's Lethal Lie
Evolution of the species is "academically" and "scientifically" sanctioned racism. God's accounts of Adam and Eve, and the world wide flood, are the only accurate records of the origin of man and civilization.

Honest academics and true science support the Biblical model. Liberalism's pseudo-intellectualism and pseudo-science subscribes to the idea that the next step up from either the apes or prehistoric man was the "first humans in Africa." WRONG. God created Adam and Eve in His own image, in the Garden of Eden, and Adam chose to disobey God. Eventually Noah's sons and their families (progenitors of the various races) repopulated the earth, but all of the descendants of Noah soon abandoned God.

Mankind is not on an upward trek, but rather, in a death spiral, in need of Divine intervention. God took the initiative in man's rescue by giving His only begotten Son to die for our sins and rise again for our justification.

Don't believe Liberaism's lie. Remember,
Believe a lie, live a lie.
Live a lie, die a lie.
Die a lie, go to hell.

But if you believe the truth you will be rescued. Jesus said,
"I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man comes to the Father but by Me."

(10/11/15 dlg on fb)

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