Friday, November 6, 2015


IFJESUS really is the ONLY WAY TO GOD THE FATHER, as Jesus said (and therefore the only way to eternal life), and,
IF THERE IS SALVATION IN NO OTHER PERSON, as the Holy Spirit said through Peter,
THEN I would suggest that folks better find out and follow the other things that the Bible says about preparing for eternity. 'cause, this life is just a vapor, and the next life is forrrreeevvvvveeerrrrr...

Don't cringe at this thought, because this "life" is only "existence" until we meet, trust and follow Jesus.
Jesus is The Way, The Truth and The Life,
Jesus is The Resurrection and the Life.
Our life begins because of the cross and the empty tomb.

Salvation is like a blind man receiving sight.
Salvation is like a lost man being found.
Salvation is like a dead man rising from the dead

Without His death, there is no deliverance from sin.
Without His resurrection there is no life.

(10/19/15 dlg on fb)

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