Tuesday, July 28, 2015


(probably not of much interest, so you might as well skip this post. But, if you do read any of it, do not stop without reading the paragraphs that follows the paragraph which begins with HOWEVER).

About 30 years ago I sought the Lord on how to lessen the power of Satan, through the State, over my life and the lives of my congregation. Rather than accept the status quo as the inevitable, rather than take the path of least resistance or following the State blindly (as the majority of churches were doing in America), I wanted to find and follow the path of faith and faithfulness. As God showed me the simple, old, clear path of obedience, I spoke and wrote and led action groups in...
* Recognizing Christ alone as the Head of the Church.
* Preaching and teaching parental authority and responsibility to provide higher and Christian education.
* Rejecting and resisting the Public School as it forced its secularism, humanism, naturalism, materialism, rationalism, which was choking the children with false information and cutting the truth of Christianity out of the hearts of the students and classrooms, and shifting the authority of parents to the Schools, to the State and to the Sick Society that had already abandoned God and His word.
* Living in such a way as to keep from promoting and financing the Aborticide industry, supported by the State and fueled by the Liberals, and accepted by millions of American Christians.
* Keeping the eyes of our parishioners, adults and children, focused on the truth of God's word, concerning the immorality of murdering the pre-born, loosening the restrictions on drugs, promoting the immorality of extra-marital sexual activity and the promotion of homosexuality, and the breakdown of the family.
* Along with a plethora of other actions to withstand the rising tide of Christ-less belief and behavior in our society.

For my stand I was rejected by friends, loved ones, and fellow believers. People I had led to Christ, people I had counseled through disasters, people I had comforted in the dark valleys of loss, people I had baptized, people I had led into entire sanctification, people I had officiated their weddings, people I had dedicated their children, people who had children that I led to Christ, people I trained for full time ministry, these people turned away from me, my family and my ministry with the excuse that I was an "Issues Preacher." They said that my message was more concerned with the State than with Jesus.

HOWEVER, I actually was not an "issues preacher." My message was always the same as it had been in the past and as it is today. My testimony and my message was that Jesus died for our sins, rose again physically the third day and He is Lord. I had others who acknowledged that my message had not changed. I have hours and hours of tapes that bear witness to my consistent proclamation of full salvation through faith. The problem was not that I had changed my message, the problem was that a message of faithful service was being abandoned in America. Pastors were acquiescing the Lordship of Christ over His Church, to the State; the surrender of their children to the State; the setting of moral standards to the State, the definition of the family to the State. I actually had pastors and believers and Christian educators tell me that my stance was Biblical, but they could not take the same direction, because it would cost them too much and may cost them their ministry, their family, their material wealth, their freedom or even their life. I KID YOU NOT.

IF those same people who thought I was to radical then, had taken the same course; and had men in high and respected positions been willing to lose it all for Jesus, THEN MAYBE America would not be in this condition it is in today. BUT EVEN IF WOULD HAVE ENDED UP THIS CORRUPT CONDITION, at least they would have had all those DECADES to reach others with the truth, all those DECADES to warn the public, all those DECADES to train their people in the way of righteousness, and to build an ark of safety for their families, to be able to withstand today's tsunami of evil.

I did not take a path that was new. I simply found the old path that had lost its appeal to a modern world and a western Church. Today my message is the same as it was. The difference is, today the news media, the social media, the moral condition of our nation cry out in agreement that preaching holiness of heart and life, preaching faithfulness to the word of God, preaching an unyielding faith that stands against the major ills of society is not the rantings of an, "Issues Preacher." It is the crying aloud and sparing not, of Biblical salvation.

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