Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Obama goes to Kenya, a country that is a Christian nation (at least by religious preference, if not through salvation). Obama then tells them that they need to accept homosexuality. I don't remember him going to Muslim countries and reading them the riot act for throwing homosexuals from tops of buildings, burning them alive, beheading them, crucifying them, stoning them or hanging them. Instead he bows to them and he makes deals with them and gives them favored status. All of this, while he makes our service people honor Muslim religious observances and deny and hide any sign of Christianity in their lives.

The message of Christ concerning sin, and concerning the sin of homosexuality is the same in America and Africa, it is the same to Muslims and Atheists and those who are affiliated with Christendom. Homosexuality is sin. However, Christians do not torture or kill homosexuals, but Muslims and other pagans and other heathen do. Christians do not approve of the sin of homosexuality, but they do not abuse homosexuals.

Be careful who you approve in life. Bad company corrupts good morals.

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