Monday, November 9, 2015


Christ and His followers love the sinner but hate the sin. But the sinner loves the sin more than anything else.

God designed man and God made the rules concerning man, based on God's nature and man's nature and needs. Violating God's law is destructive to the individual and to the human race.

The unsaved choose that which is wrong, to their own detriment. Choosing the wrong always leads to choosing more that is wrong. Choosing to violate moral law and choosing to violate the sanctity of marriage has led to greater breakdown of family and society.

God's laws have always been protective barriers for humans. Now this barrier that is provided by anti-homosexual directives in the Bible has been removed. Though this gives some people the unrestrained practice of homosexual activity, it will also open the door to even greater violations against other people. To side against God concerning His moral law is to side against one's self. God's law is not evil, it is good, it is holy, it is helpful and it must be obeyed in order to experience the benefits of God and escape the consequences of sin.

America has not only chosen to gratify its baser desires, it has chosen to harm its own children. One of the last barriers to social collapse had been removed.

We can love the sinner but hate the sin. Allowing the sin to go unchecked is to hate God and those we claim to love.

(11/9/15 dlg on fb)

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