Thursday, September 10, 2015


For those who may not understand, there is a spiritual realm.

First, there is God. God is the Creator, Supreme Ruler of the universe.

Second, there are angels and demons (fallen angels). Angels were an order (not a race) of beings created with a free will. Some angels rebelled against God, led by Lucifer, later known as Satan. However, each angel either stood or fell, based on his own choice.

Third, there are humans, who were also created with free wills. However, humans were created in the image of God and therefore capable of a mystical union with God. We were intended to be the temple of God. Humans are a race (reproducing after their kind). When Adam sinned, the entire human race suffered the consequences. When God provided salvation, it was also for the entire race.

Fourth, the enemies of God hate God and His family enough to kill them, beginning with His Son, Jesus and continuing to all believers.

EVERYONE CHOOSES to ether follow God, or fight against Him. Choose wisely.

Simple But Significant
I sometimes post really fundamental concepts because I know there are people who have not been told the basics of Biblical Christianity. It is not necessarily their fault. Let's face it, the pastors do not teach Bible truths, and those who do claim to be Bible believers are often cultists or wackos. This is the most terrible of oppression, because it keeps people from hearing the word of God and it is the word of God that saves people from their sins, and without faith, which comes by hearing the word of God, it is impossible to please God. So, yes, I do know that my posts are sometimes super simplistic to many people. I just wish I could get those who are untrained in the word of God to ask questions and become hungry for eternal truth. In fact, I hope that my simple presentations might help some of you who are trying to share with those who are unlearned in the Scriptures.

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