Friday, September 11, 2015


50 years ago I left home to attend college. I was one of the millions in my generation. We were so much alike, yet so different. In my case, I went to Bible college to study the word of God, whereas, most others (unbeknownst to them) would be indoctrinated against the word of God

Two Kinds Of Calls
I had been called, at a very early age by Christ, to preach the gospel. However, I had also been hounded by the Doctors and Distributors of Darkness throughout my teenage years to turn from following Christ and and urged to quit believing the Bible. This took place through entertainment, the news media, social interaction, education and even through the false witness of liberal preachers. The devil had done a thorough job of mind twisting and mind control.

False Narrative
Bible believers had been falsely characterized as religious wackos by liberal theology, liberal education, liberal media and liberal politics. In fact, most of the pastors I had during those years denied the Biblical record of miracles, history and doctrines (such as the Virgin Birth of Christ, His deity, death, and physical resurrection). But by the miraculous grace of God, I continued to believe the Bible.

Many Heeded The Wrong Call
However, the majority of my peers had been deceived by the Prince of Darkness. They also graduated but they went to college to study the false religions of Secularism, Humanism, Materialism, Naturalism, Relativism, Socialism, in the various schools of Psychology, Pedagogy, Sociology, Theology and Jurisprudence, all under the misnomer of Liberalism, which has led to the confusion and collapse of our country and our society.

The Legacy Continues
Today the Bible is still true and the lie of Liberalism, and Satan is still taking men captive to do his will. With decades of decaying decency and eroding education, the victims of Christless-ness abound and are even harder to reach because they are more thoroughly brainwashed against Christ and His Word than ever before.

It Is Not Too Late
Which direction have you been going for the last 50 years? It is not too late to repent and turn to Christ. Not only has your rejection of the Bible led you into spiritual darkness, it will take you into eternal darkness.

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