Sunday, September 6, 2015

Benefits Of Bible Reading In Two Respects

Benefits Of Bible Reading In Two Respects
1- The Bible is true and presents truth.
2- The Bible produces faith.

Since the Bible is actually the revelation of God, and not simply a human record, then it is trustworthy in all that it asserts to be true. Of course, the skeptic either denies this or doubts this. However, the Bible has never been disproved, after centuries of attacks. I fact check information, regardless of what I read or hear. Though I do not question the authority of the Bible, I research and document what it says, in order to have a correct understanding. The Bible is always true and accurate. This is not simply the result of careful scholarship, it is the honest and accurate record and revelation of the Eternal, Omniscient, All Wise God.

Faith, trust in God, is not simply a matter of increased and reasonable confidence, based on the consistent veraciity of the information communicated. This faith is the miraculous awareness and reliance associated with God. Our faith is the result of God’s word transforming us through direct Divine intervention. This is why it is miraculous.

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