Saturday, August 8, 2015


A church can survive, even thrive, without a lot of the things that some people consider "must haves." However, there are a few things that are actual needs in a living and growing church. Here is one of the essentials. Even if a church has great preaching, teaching, music and sports and social ministries, programs for youth, marrieds, singles, parents, seniors, IF THEY LACK VISION THEY ARE PERISHING. It is possible to do remarkable ministries, but still be without a vision.

Read and Reflect
Proverbs 29:18
(18) Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keeps the law, happy is he.

The word, "vision," is used in various ways, but in this context it is not to be confused with visions associated with a trance. This vision is the understanding of the inner man, as enlightened by the Holy Spirit.

With television, viewers are able to "tune in" various channels. Our inner man is able to tune in the thoughts and plans of God (as God allows), we are also able to focus on the thoughts and plans of Satan, or the thoughts of our inner man can be invaded and commandeered by influences outside of ourselves (whether natural or supernatural). When we focus on any of these outside thoughts and we adopt them as our own, then this is the how the word vision is used in this passage. Of course, the vision in this passage is specifically referring to the thoughts and plans of God.

We, individually and corporately, must dream God's dreams and envision God's plans by aligning our inner man with God and His word and His will. But it starts with the individual. There is no corporate vision if there is no individual vision.

The Bible tells us that Christ and His Church are one, with Christ being the Husband and the Church being the bride. The Bible also tells us that as Christ and the Church are one, so a husband and wife should be "one." There ought to be a common vision, a common dream shared by a husband and wife. They may have their own personal interests and preferences in life, but their individuality should never conflict or detract from the miracle and mystical union of the oneness, with which God unites them. A husband and wife who have the same vision, the same dream, form an unbreakable alliance.

Likewise, local churches should be comprised of individuals who are tuned into God's will for their lives and also tuned into the will of God for their church. The people in a local church need to have the vision, the dream of God concerning their own personal lives, their family life and their church life.

I understand the broader meaning of Jesus saying, that the gates of hell would not be able to resist the Church, but I also believe there is a local church application to that statement. Seldom, but occasionally, we see a church, comprised of these "visionaries." Those churches have believers with personal, family and church visions. The visions of the individuals are designed by God to compliment and supplement the visions of other believers. Those churches are rare, but they are also exceptional.
Matthew 16:18
(18) And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

Let the, "vision" begin with me and include my family and my church. Paul was not disobedient to his heavenly vision. May we live in such a way that we may we be faithful to the vision God gives us.
Acts 26:19
(19) Whereupon, O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision:

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