Friday, August 7, 2015


In spite of what some may think, I am not really a politically oriented person. I do address politics, political issues and politicians when Biblical issues are involved. This is not to say that being politically oriented or involved is wrong. I am just saying that I am not. That being said, here is personal reflection after watching the Republican Debate with the top ten candidates.

I HAVE NEVER seen a time in American government when such a large number of candidates give clear testimony to a personal relationship to Christ and faith in His atoning blood. This is not to say that I know each one to be honest or Biblical in their testimony. It also does not mean that the most spiritual should be President (though I think there is that possibility). However, I tend to accept the testimony of salvation that is offered by at leas 5, if not 6 of the top ten candidates. Also, the 5 or 6 seem to base their moral beliefs on recognized Biblical principles.

I did not hear the first debate, with 7 candidates, so I cannot make comment on that group.

SO, what is my point? Not much. Except that I have never seen this much active participation from conservative Christians, in pursuit of the White House.

I have said time and again that our country is in major trouble, and may not even recover from its, "free fall into destruction." I am sure that America, along with the other nations of the world, will certainly fail and finally fall. However (obviously), I do not know when that will happen. America may find redemption and come to Christ, thus saving it from total collapse, at least for the present time. But ultimately everything fails, except God.

I will not change my message. America needs to turn from its path of rebellion. But it is refreshing and encouraging to know that there are people who may very well be faithful (obedient) to God, and are ready to step in and lead our nation (and the world) in repentance and renewal.

Then again, it is possible that God is offering America another chance, by providing leaders who are more focused on Divine leading than political gain. It could be that America will vociferously and unflinchingly reject God's final offer of deliverance. It could be that America will continue to elect Christ hating, Bible despising, Christian persecuting, freedom destroying liberals that believe in killing babies and siding with Jew hating Islamist, socialists enemies of the family.

I encourage you to pray for our country, to act in behalf of our country, but most of all, to live in loving faith and submission to the God, Who gave His only begotten Son. The battle is only warming up. DO NOT LINE UP WITH THE ENEMY OF GOD AND HIS PLATFORM.

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