Saturday, August 1, 2015


My previous post pointed out that catch phrases, sound bites, cliches, generalities, philosophical formulas are often used as truisms, but in fact are FALSE NARRATIVES. They often are lies, masquerading as truth, misleading the simple into darkness.

Here Is A Suggestion
Call them out for what they are, FALSE NARRATIVES, Verbal Vehicles of Deception. Sometimes the purpose of the false narrative is not actually SAID, but the implication is there. It is implied because of public perception, or because of the particular subject being discussed or because of the people making the comment or because of the audience or because of the context of the statement.

A Little Tricky
It can be dangerous to call out a false narrative, because someone may disavow the connection that is being made, though that is exactly the connection they intended to make. This is called, "plausible denial." But sometimes it is worth the risk, because the false narrative, left unchallenged, will ensnare other unsuspecting readers or hearers.

Attack Principles, Not People
There is no point in calling the conveyor of deceit, a liar. Simply address the false narrative and explain why it is wrong. Hopefully, shining a light on the false narrative will cause someone to think clearly.

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