Thursday, July 30, 2015

Pappy's Racket Squad

Pappy's Racket Squad (Sr. and Jr. divisions) played some very good Rball, Tuesday and today.

Senior Division (3 boys @ 10, 11 and 12 years) had practice Tuesday. They are playing regulation Rball, and doing a very good job at it. I sometimes stand outside of the court and watch them run their own game. I admit, it is more that just Rball that I am hoping to communicate. Remember, you can tell more about a person's spirituality when he plays than when he prays. These three guys are really progressing.

Junior Division (2 girls @ 8 and 9, and 1 boy @ 7 years) practiced and played today. I could not believe how well they did. I try to set an even playing field for them, but they are all holding their own with each other. I can even stand outside of the court and watch them play, either 1 on 1 or cut-throat. They are able to call shorts, longs and missed shots. Very cool.

Christians need to not only shine the light on the darkness of society, we to shine the light of the gospel onto the path of the children and the grandchildren. Some of us cannot do the things with them that we want to do, because of health or physical limitations. This is where the CHURCH needs to be the FAMILY of God. It is wrong to just turn our greatest treasures over to a wicked system, but it is also wrong to neglect them in their education, social interaction, spiritual training, and family responsibilities,

Some of you see the wide array of things I write about. But I better be doing more than just proclaiming pious platitudes from an ivory tower. I better be leading people through life in the spirit of love; answering their questions and equipping them for spiritual battle. Dark and difficult days are ahead, and God wants our families to make it through. We each are responsible for providing an ark of safety for the turbulent seas ahead.

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