Sunday, December 6, 2015


Years ago villages (in the "Old World") fought against one another. The men would grab their swords, rakes and shovels and gather in a field to bash-in the heads of the men from opposing communities. This eventuated in "City-States" or "City-Kingdoms."

As time passed, and the citizens became more civilized or simply accepted their political union, the towns, tribes and clans would still do battle on an open field, but they did it through Olympic type games or the Highland Games (pitting clan against clan).

In more modern times those large events have been duplicated in smaller sports competition, which are waged more often during the year. Towns raise teams in Baseball, Basketball, Football (American and European style). The teams meet on an open field or court, with the stands, burgeoning within hours to the size of cities, reminiscent of the time when the citizens would gather near a battle field to watch their soldiers engage another army (as they did at Gettysburg). The crowds cheer on their favorite teams, but without the murderous anger of a war (unless it is Soccer in Europe or South America, or drunks in the USA).

But here is something that has been bothering me for a long time. Not the competition (because I am a VERY competitive person), but the negative, vengeful, prideful, angry, condescending attitudes that people have towards those who favor a different team is the problem.

I have watched as little children, who supported their teams, started to develop antagonism toward those who favored another team. I have watched them grow up... no, not grow up, just get older... and become even more rabid in their support of a team, as if the very life of their community depended on an athletic event. They say things that hurt other people and just blame the other person for being "thin skinned." What they don't understand is that some people are hurt with the unkindness and crudeness in their attitudes more than the sharpness in their words.

People will insult and ridicule those who favor a different team, as if the fan is the point of their attack. They will lift up their favorite player or team as if it is a matter of eternal life, or as if it is their god. They will demonize other players and teams and fans. And remember, it is not as if the rabid ridicul-er actually has anything to do with the athletic victory; as if they are the "combatant," as if it is their own physical prowess that conquers the other team. They are wanna-bees, and they are insensitive to the dignity and sensitivity or other people. VICTORY AT ANY COST over a stupid sporting event.

I don't think these people intend to be idolatrous, BUT THEY ARE.
I don't think they want to be obnoxiously offensive, BUT THEY ARE.
BUT, they do not stop when advised, when counseled, when they are pleaded with by others.

Their pride and selfishness and pettiness make it un-enjoyable for others to be around them. They make a fun thing like a sporting event turn into a battle of wills and insults.

I have seriously thought about not being sports minded at all, if it would help young people not become sports Nazis. But sadly, that would not solve the problem. A negative, prideful, snide person is going to be that kind of a person because of what is inside him/her, regardless of the wise counsel they are given or the choices of other people.

Don't love a sport, or a team, or a player or anything more than you love God or more than you love other people. Read 1 Corinthians 13. Follow Jesus; if Jesus would not hurt other people over a stupid game, neither should we. There is grace to help, even over this sin.

(12/3/15 dlg on fb)

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