Monday, December 14, 2015


People flee Islamic nations because of Islam's extremism or fundamentalism. Islamic nations are living by the historic and literal understanding of the Koran, and in alignment with the life of their founder, (Muhammad).

* "Moderate" Islam is moderate because it accepts western or Christian principles. Accepting western or Christian principles subjects the "moderate Muslim" to execution in an Islamic nation.
* The problem is, when a religion denies its origin, its founder, its "scriptures," its history, it is no longer that religion.
* The only good thing about "moderate Islam" is that it has rejected original, fundamental, authoritative Islam and included western or Christian principles.
* The only good thing about moderate Islam is that it rejects parts of Islam.

* Moderate Muslims have not chosen Moderate Islam because it is right.
* They have chosen Moderate Islam because it is convenient (except in a Muslim nation), because it is profitable, because it is comfortable.
* They have not chosen Moderate Islam because it is right.
* They have turned from some teachings of basic Islam because the teachings of Islam are wrong, because the history of Islam is violent, because the ethics of Islam are bigoted, because the observation of Islam is oppressive.

* Moderate Muslims, for the most part, have chosen a westernized or "Christianized" Islam, without completely cutting the ties with Islamic Islam.
* They have chosen to be "Moderate Muslims," because they choose not to be Bible believing Christians.
* They want to be free from the rule of Islam, but do not want to surrender to the Lordship of Christ.

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