Saturday, December 5, 2015


Three Things to Know About Liberal Theology (Liberal lies which lead to believing other lies).

The Fatherhood of God. It is true that God is the Creator of the world and mankind, (which is denied by Liberal theology), and it is true that all of humanity gets its life and sustenance from God. In the sense of Creator and creation, all men are His children.

HOWEVER... Man is not just blood and bone. Man is not just material. Man is also a spiritual creature (body, soul and spirit, created by God), but man is dead in his sins and trespasses, which he has committed and therefore is a child of Satan, child of darkness child of disobedience, RATHER than a child of God. We are only children of God by FAITH. There are two spiritual families in this world, and those who are not born again, those who are not walking in newness of life and walking in the steps or Christ, are the children of their father, the devil.

THEREFORE, God is not the Father of all people, though He wants all people to become His children, by coming to faith in His Son (Jesus Christ ), repentance, confession and obedience.

The Brotherhood of Man. It is true that we all come from one human family, the first family, Adam and Eve (which is denied by Liberal theology) and it is true that we are all of the same nature and condition. In this sense we are all brothers in the human race.

HOWEVER... Since we are spiritual beings (actually we are Psycho/Physical totalities), and since our deepest relationships are spiritual and since our eternal destiny is based on our spiritual relationship with God, those who are children of light are not brothers with those who are children of darkness, those who are separated from God through sin.

THEREFORE, our compassion reaches to all men, but our family bond is with other believers and though we will do good to all men, our first allegiance is with the household of faith. We may even experience relationship breakdown with those who are of our own family, because they are not part of the family of God.

God is known by many different names and all religious paths lead to God. It is true that there is ONLY ONE GOD, but He is not the same as the god's of the nations. It is not that God is all inclusive, but that He is the only God.

HOWEVER... this One True God has taken steps to make His creation aware of His presence and nature. He has been involved in the affairs of mankind since the earliest of days. He has sent prophets and angels, performed miracles, set up a mission in the midst of the nations (Israel), recorded His revelations, and sent His Son to be the sacrifice that takes away the sin of the world.

THEREFORE we need to be certain that we are worshiping and serving the One Tue and Living God. God is a jealous God. He will not allow His people to worship anyone except Himself. He is not served by anyone serving the false gods. believe on, and serve Jesus since He is THE WAY, THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE, AND NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER BUT BY HIM. Remember, there is no other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved.

These are only three of the many lies told by Liberal theology and espoused by Liberal politics and Liberal Social agenda and promoted by Liberal education. These three lies lead to rejecting the One True God and following after the gods of this world.

(11/30/15 dlg on fb)

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