Saturday, December 5, 2015


Denying Christ is not only the verbal denial (similar to Peter's denial of Christ), but it is the open and blatant repudiation of...
His word,
His salvation,
His Church.

Today, in America, the DENIAL is on.
* We are surrounded by people who deny the Deity of Christ, the virgin birth of Christ, the sinless life of Christ, the sacrificial death of Christ, the physical resurrection of Christ, the rule of Christ, the existence of Christ, the uniqueness of Christ, the exclusive Headship of Christ over His Church.

* We are surrounded by people who deny the authoritative and infallible Holy Bible (though they readily invoke it when they think it will serve their own purposes), deny the Divine, superior and unique nature of the Holy Bible over every document, religious or political or academic.

* We are surrounded by people who deny that mankind is lost and sinful; that all men need to be forgiven, regenerated, cleansed, converted to Christ; that all men need to believe and follow the teachings of the Holy Bible; that there is a heaven or that there is eternal punishment; that Christ is the only way to a right relationship with the Father and to eternal life; that salvation is salvation from sin; that salvation is submission to Jesus as Lord; that salvation is provided only by God and is received only by faith, but is available to all, since Christ died for everyone; that salvation transforms a sinner into a new creation.

* We are surrounded by people who deny that the every local church should be aligned with the Church of the New Testament; that the Church is the pillar and support of the truth; that the Church is the mystical, invisible body of Christ on the earth today; that the Church has advantages and responsibilities that are unique and separate from God's claim and call on the unsaved world; that the Church is exempt from the job of wielding the sword of steel in order to protect the righteous and punish the wicked.

People are not simply DENYING these as principles, they are DEFYING the rule and revelation of God, concerning these issues.

This DENYING and DEFYING is resulting in persecution.

(11/20/15 dlg on fb)

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