Saturday, December 5, 2015


I keep reading about the Planned Parenthood assault. I guess they are referring to the murderer who viciously killed 3 people (either because he was deranged or because he was just evil), instead of the millions who have been killed in cold blood for money by Planned Parenthood.

That must be it, because if it was the murders by Planned Parenthood it would not be just an assault, it would be genocide, infanticide, it would be a Holocaust. It would be supported by Barack Hussein Obama and the other hypocrites that support abortion, but then they condemn the killer of three. YES, the killing of three is horrific, but the baby killing society thinks they are doing a good thing by murdering millions of pre-born and new born babies. And remember, millions of them are female and millions of them are black. So, enough with the, "war on women" and "black lives matter" slogans of the Liberals.

By the way, baby murderers TORTURE THEIR VICTIMS to death by;
* sucking them apart,
* chopping them into little pieces,
* burning them,
* poisoning them and
* beheading them,
and then cry to high heaven when 3 Islamic monsters were water boarded (which did not kill any of the Muslim terrorists) for information that would save thousands of innocent Americans.

* Obama extorts money from the lovers of children to murder children;
* he abuses his office as PRESIDER, as if he is OMNIPOTENT POTENTATE, by forcing humanitarians to murder children with their own hands;
* he voted to murder the children and then voted to murder the "partial birth" children by decapitation (a favorite method of Muslim terrorists).

I could go on and on with the contradictions in the Liberal agenda concerning the killing of three and the killing of millions, but, until their is a repentance of sin in a person's life, their moral allegiance will not be changed.

(11/30/15 dlg on fb)

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