Tuesday, December 22, 2015


(originally posted on FB 12/17/15)

We sang and I explained the Christology of, "Hark The Herald Angels Sing."

The virgin Birth of Christ is Biblical, and essential for salvation.
God promised the conquering Seed, through the woman.
God required a perfect sacrifice for sin (without spot, wrinkle or blemish).
God prophesied the virgin Birth through Isaiah.
God announced the virgin Birth to Mary and Joseph.
Paul preached that Christ was born of a woman and that He was sinless and that He was the Second Adam.
Paul (and the other apostles) believed the Old Testament promise and prophecies concerning the Seed of the woman, and he also knew about the miraculous origin and nature of Christ.

The promised Seed, the perfect Sacrifice, the prophesied Son needed to be sinless in order to save sinners. Christ restores holiness to sinful people.

God, through Christ, saves from all sin.
Everyone needs salvation from sins (as actions) and from sin (as a nature).
Purity is required for eternal life. We must be purified in this life. God sanctifies fully surrendered believers.

After justification and sanctification there must be continued consecration. God saves us from sin and sinning.

Sin takes control from small access. We must guard the five gates to our soul. Full surrender must be followed by faithful service. Full surrender includes the good as well as the bad. We must surrender the known and the unknown to God.

God has a plan for our lives. God leads us in all areas of life, if we trust and obey. This includes our relationships. God provides His chosen mate for us. God requires us to keep purity in our relationships. Bad company corrupts good morals. We must chose to do the right things in order to have clean hands and pure heart.

This led to a very moving and insightful examination of interpersonal relationships. The children were responsive and open.

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