Saturday, December 5, 2015


Safe Than Sorry
To Be Biblically Sound

If sinning religion is right by saying that God unilaterally and unconditionally chooses who will be saved (and who will not be saved), based on some verses that they believe supports such a position (which they do not), then it does not matter if the person whom God has supposedly chosen, to not be chosen, has a false hope, or if he believes false doctrine, since he has no choice in his relationship with God or his own eternal destiny.

There are people who profess saving faith in Christ alone for their salvation, and have had their lives totally transformed from a life of sin to a life of love, faith and Christ likeness, AND YET, because they believe that God loves all men, and that Christ died for all men, and that the Holy Spirit calls all men and enables all men to believe, confess, repent and obey, THEN sinning religion attacks these people as enemies of the cross.

Think about it. If sinning religion is right (and it ain't) by saying that God unilaterally and unconditionally saves some people and unilaterally chooses not to provide salvation for others (leaving them hopelessly bound for hell), then there is no eternal danger for believing that God loves all men, and calls them to Himself, and enables them to receive Christ.

On the other hand: if a person believes that God loved the world so much that He gave His only begotten Son to die for them; that Christ is the satisfaction for the sins of the whole world; that it is not the will of God that any should perish but that all should come to repentance; that God requires faith, confession, repentance and obedience in order for them to be saved, then there is eternal danger in believing that we have no choice and that there are no conditions.

Even if a person sees arguments for both positions in the Bible, it is foolish to promote the idea of "unilateral/unconditional election," since belief in that position does not further the cause of salvation. On the other hand, it is wise to proclaim salvation to all men, since men are saved by faith and faith comes by hearing and receiving the word of God.

Think of it this way...
If there are people who cannot get saved (according to the doctrines of Double Predestination), then hearing the gospel and an invitation to faith, won't change their eternity.

If there are people who can get saved through believing, confessing, repenting and following, then not hearing the gospel and the invitation to faith can jeopardize their eternity.

(11/28/15 dlg on fb)

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