Saturday, December 5, 2015


Some folks don't realize that America's move away from God and move toward oppression and decay has followed in the steps of Europe as they embraced Liberal theology, which forms Liberal politics and a Liberal social world view, in opposition to Biblical Christianity.

Now we see the result of Liberalism in Europe as the Islamic religio/political/cultural world view, flexes its anti-Christian, anti-western muscle. We had a chance to turn back to God but chose to follow the Judas Goat of Liberalism to our own destruction.

There are two ways out of the impending dangers we face. Yes, two. But be careful. One way out leads to deliverance (as we surrender and submit to Christ), and the other way leads to an opium stupor, just before the Beast of Revelation administers the coup de gras to the human race. .

(11/22/15 dlg on fb)

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