Wednesday, November 11, 2015


For decades the Liberal community has been telling Christians not to be so "touchy" or "thin skinned" when others disagree with us. The so-called disagreements were actually blasphemous attacks on the dignity and faith, of the Christian message and its messengers.

This has included the United States Government spending American tax dollars to put the image of Jesus in a bottle of urine and then calling it art. TRY GETTING THE US GOVERNMENT TO DO THAT WITH MUHAMMAD.

This has also included The US Supreme Court allowing a pornographer to portray a leading evangelical minister in a parody, having incestuous relations with his mother in an outhouse. THIS WAS DONE IN THE NAME OF FREE SPEECH. No one in their right mind would think this is covered by free speech, but the US Supreme Court did, along with LIBERALS in this country.
What kind of dog would swallow such vomit?

However, we have watched as free speech actually has been attacked and shut down, either by the Government, or by the Government allowing pressure groups to attack individuals and businesses.

You may not like it, but the social frenzy concerning the Confederate Flag was a milestone in the Leftist march to the sea. The arguments against the flag were invalid, and only supported by prejudice. But after the Liberal agenda was able to ban a cultural image and condemn an entire culture of decent people who are not racist and the banning and re-writing of actual history, the gate was opened wide.

Truth, dignity, decency, Bible, faith, Christ, Christians and Christian values are now all under attack, along with other freedoms and rights (whether I agree with them or not). We are not a nation of law anymore. We are a nation of jungle rule, street justice, Socialist authoritarianism.

I don't believe in survival of the fittest, but I do believe we are seeing promotion of the meanest and vilest. The very ones who have been quick to attack Christians, who take a stand for their faith, are now supporting the ones who are attacking the very foundation of a society that protected and provided freedoms in this land, such as are denied throughout the rest of the world. (It is obvious to me that the sheeple are blindly following a hireling to the slaughter.

Again, let me mention double standard. The Liberal Left will quickly attack Christians, who are ruled by love and peace, but will avoid taking a stand against vicious and violent Islam. Liberalism is proving what I have always said about it (along with its cousins, Socialism and Communism). It hates God, it hates the Bible, it hates the champions of Biblical Christianity, and it is wanting to either bully Christianity into submission or ban it through Government action.

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