Monday, November 9, 2015


TEAMING is part of the Nature, Plan and Work of God.
Teaming is essential for successful Families and Churches.
Lone-wolfing or freelancing is a sure road to defeat and failure.

The very NATURE of God is seen in the cohesiveness, cooperation and camaraderie of the Godhead; the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The idea of the tri-unity of God is not contrived in the mind of men, it is derived from the the actual nature of God. There is only one God, but He is Father, He is Son, and He is Holy Spirit. This is not some human endeavor to understand or explain God. This is the reality of God, eternally. The Godhead works, agrees and functions as One. This is the model for God's creation, whether family or church.

The PLAN of God for humans has always been for humans to work together as a team, in cohesiveness, cooperation and camaraderie. The plan of God for teaming is first seen in the team of Adam and Eve. Then we see it in the family of Adam and Eve and Cain and Abel. This plan is seen throughout Bible history. God, Himself, has chosen to work in concert with humans. The failure of these teams was not inherent to the team concept, but was the result of disregarding the team's leadership. Both Divine and human leadership, as appointed by God, must be honored if the team is to be victorious. In a team there is leadership and followship. There is victory for a team that has a single eye to success.

The WORK of God is seen in the cooperative venture of the various and divergent members of family units and the body of Christ. The local body is a team, likened to a military unit. The gifts of the Spirit and the offices and officers of the church are an integral part of a ministry team. God equips families and churches to function as teams. When the principles of teamwork are ignored or violated, the family and the church suffers unnecessary failure and loss.

(10/24/15 dlg on fb)

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