Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Most of us remember the horror that unfolded in the destruction of the Twin Towers on 9/11. It started slowly. almost in slow motion, but soon the collapse of those august buildings finished with an explosion of smoke, debris, dust and death that roared down the streets of lower Manhattan. It was terrible.

We are seeing another destruction roar through the Streets of Everytown, USA, which is building speed and will leave no life untouched.

It is the destruction of the moral fiber, and the family integrity, and Christian values and ministries of the USA. This concerted effort is being spearheaded by an inflamed Leftist movement that uses the mantra of "political correctness" to overthrow and destroy the foundation, and shake the stability of Judeo/Christian faith and morality, upon which this great nation was built.

It has taken a long time to build up its momentum, but the coming collapse is soon going to envelope us, as did the cloud of smoke and dust and debris in the streets of New York, 14 years ago.

However, the tragedy of 9/11 will pale in comparison to the ruin we are about to suffer. New York recovered greatly from the 9/11 attack. America will not recover from the coming destruction.

Christians are being attacked little by little today, but more and more as the days pass. Our faith and our practice are being blamed and bullied and berated and blasted by anti-Christ, anti-Bible, anti-Christian forces.

Our children, our grand children and our great grandchildren are in the cross hairs of Liberal assassins, and there is little to nothing that we can do to stop it, at least on the natural level.

Yes, we can pray and we can obey, but we should not be surprised if our faith is met with great persecution. It has happened at other times, and in other parts of the world, and the word of God tells us that the end of this age will be ushered in by great apostasy and persecution.

You better put your big anchor out pardner, 'cause we are headed for some rough seas.

I know there are people who think I am a wild eyed, negatively oriented doomsayer. I am not. I am a very positively oriented person, who is a messenger of God's truth. I have been sounding the alarm, concerning human corruption and government's mounting oppression of Christians; I have been calling sinners to repentance, and proclaiming the power of God to save us from sin and Divine judgement.

I have not been crying out that the world is about to end. I have been addressing the increase of specific sinful and aberrant behavior and the rise of specific social and governmental actions, about which the Scripture warns us. I have read the Bible and the signs of the times and followed the news events of the day, and my, "lunatic rantings" have been proved to be accurate.

It would seem that the darkness of the hour should move people toward the Light, but instead, men curse the Light, because their deeds are evil and they hold to a false hope that they will not answer to God for their resistance and rejection of God and His word.

The final curtain seems to be dropping in this wicked scene. Be prepared for the days ahead. Trust and follow Jesus.

(11/9/15 dlg on fb)

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