Monday, November 2, 2015


The world has gone nuts. Okay, NUTS is not the best word I could have used. Because mental illness (as it is more politely referred to) is often a catch all term that really does not have anything to do with mental health (whatever that is). Yes, a person can have brain damage, or hormonal imbalance, or drug induced mental problems which leads them to make choices that are not consistent with their own values system.

However, there is a mental health industry that has laid claim to more than is within the realm of people who actually have legitimate mental problems. The fact that most of the academic foundation of the mental health industry is based on humanistic and secularist prejudices and naturalist and occult principles indicates the fallacies of such findings, such "science," such "accepted authority."

One of the misuses of the "mental health" concept is crediting it with the wicked actions of all people who do heinous acts of violence. Yes, I am sure there are people who are mentally impaired (brain damage due to physical trauma and/or chemical imbalance). And I realize there are people who have mental deficiency because of disease and/or other causes of brain damage.

But SIN is the major problem in man's inhumanity to man. And, the only answer to the SIN problem is JESUS. The best manual dealing with impaired thinking, which is due to sinful actions and sinful beliefs, is THE HOLY BIBLE. The only solution to the problem of human wickedness is SALVATION THROUGH CHRIST.

OKAY, laugh if you like. But look at what secular, humanistic, naturalistic answers have done for our society. I suggest that this thing of blaming "mental illness" for aberrant and anti-social behavior will be laid a the door of Christianity, the Holy Bible, Salvation by Faith, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, more often in the future.

I also believe that a person's personal wickedness can lead them to suffer "mental disturbance" which will result in violence. There is room for legitimate "psychology" or study of the mind, but humanistic psychology is the Trojan Horse that delivers an army of people who act like the sociopaths they are supposed to be. Remember, there is big money in the mental health industry, and the love of money is the root of all evil.

Oh, and by the way, some of those people who have positions of power and authority because they are practitioners and proponents of humanistic psychology are nuttier than fruitcakes, yet they are the ones making decision on other people who are more "sane" than they are.

(10/2/15 dlg on fb)

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