Monday, November 9, 2015


Hehehe, the brainiacs are soooo funny. It use to be an understood concept that the scientific view of the origin of human civilization coincided with the Genesis account, which placed the first human civilization in the Mesopotamian River Valley, or as it was called, "the Cradle of Civilization."

However, with the liberal, secularist, naturalist, humanist, rationalist anti-Bible agenda to remove God and divine revelation and Christian influence from the modern world, that model has been thwarted in several ways, which I won't take time to explain.

HOWEVER (and this is a big HOWEVER), the facts continue to stand. Though so-called science theorizes (guesses or imagines) that the origin of the universe was about 14 billion years ago, and earth came into existence about 4.5 billion years ago, and life on earth began about 3.5 billion years ago with the appearance of single celled marine organisms, which, they claim spent the next 3+ billion years evolving into human like creatures, which eventuated as "modern" humans, they still say that human civilization is very recent or young.

(I believe the Bible allows for the possibility of an "old universe" but it does not allow for macro evolution of the species, therefore I accept the Genesis account of creation and a young earth, subsequent to Genesis 1:2, which puts Adam in the Garden somewhere between 7,000 and 10,000 years ago. The Bible record is accurate.).

Present day studies and models, offered by those who do not believe the Bible, recognize that human civilization actually began very recently (between 10,000 and 30,000 years ago.

STOP AND THINK. With all of the "scientific" bluster about evolution of the species, for billions of years, THE FACTS support the very recent appearance of the "modern" human race and civilization.

Evolution allows for a naturalistic and biological explanation of man's condition, therefore denying man's sinful condition and need for salvation and a Savior. The Bible teaches that human race did not raise itself from the primordial slime pits of evolution, but rather the human race abandoned the exalted position of God-likeness and taken a headlong dive into the black abyss of rebellion.

BUT GOD, has provided a way of deliverance. The way of deliverance is not by lifting ourselves by our bootstraps of self improvement, but rather by believing the Bible, by believing that we are sinners in need of Divine intervention, and by believing on Christ as our only way of salvation and by being saved from this self serving, self aggrandizing, and self destructive world system.

This world is on a collision course with catastrophe, and it is taking everyone with it. But, whosoever trusts and follows Jesus, shall be saved.

(11/4/15 dlg on fb)

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