Monday, November 9, 2015


Did you know there are people who are so blinded by the darkness of Satan that they still think Obama is a Christian? No, really; I kid you not.

He has actually taken action against Christians for following their faith, concerning the Biblical position that only recognizes marriage to be between a man and a woman.
He has ridiculed, and tongue lashed Christians for believing and following the Bible, and in rejecting homosexuality as aberrant and sinful behavior (which has always been our nations position and has always been the view of the medical and psychiatric community).
He has mocked and ridiculed the Bible for teaching against homosexuality.
He has forced people to perform and to pay for the murder of the unborn.
He has spoken against and taken action against those who refuse to honor and participate in homosexual marriage celebrations, saying that the interest of the State is more compelling than freedom of religion...

YET, he has set his legal hounds in D.C. to protect Muslims who refuse to drive trucks for their company, when the trucks are carrying alcohol.
He has opened the door to illegal aliens, including criminals, and terrorists, but has refused to give asylum to people who come to this country to escape torture, prison and murder in their home countries, which they face because of their Christian orientation.
He gave a heroes welcome to a deserter of the US Military, but has refused to help American Christians who are being held and tortured and threatened with death, by Islamic States.
He murders the innocent, persecutes the righteous, prosecutes Christians, encourages Islamic nations as they oppress and annihilate Christians, while he promotes the enemies of our country and attacks the true patriots of our country.

I don't expect us to Christianize America. But I do hope that some of those who have been deceived by the deceiver will turn to the true hope of the world, the only One Who can produce fundamental change in our hearts. Turn from your worship and service to Obama, and worship and serve Jesus as the only Just Judge and Righteous Ruler and Loving Lawgiver in the universe.

Isaiah 33:22
(22) For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king; he will save us.

(10/27/15 dlg on fb)

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