Monday, November 9, 2015


The idea of Liberalism (which is the more devious cousin of Socialism and Communism), which equates its opponents with being uncaring, unsympathetic, and selfish is TOTALLY FALSE. Yes, there are people in every political party who are heartless (and mindless), but such a characterization of people because they are opposed Liberalism is a FALSE NARRATIVE and a false accusation. Anyone who promotes this false narrative is either intentionally deceiving and maligning others or they themselves are deceived and being used as a tool for a devious and dangerous agenda.

Of course, the same Liberalism that claims to be so loving and compassionate, murders the pre-born and the new born and they force God fearing people to participate in the murdering sacrifice of the innocents to the false gods of humanism. It also oppresses the very people it claims to care about. Liberalism's agenda of destruction is ignored by those who are focused on the purported, but erroneous, good intentions of Liberalism.

Liberalism is not just a different viewpoint or another option to solving human problems, it is a movement to destroy conservatism, along with Christian and Biblical faith, and it is the precursor to Socialism and Communism. These three (Liberalism, Socialism and Communism) have failed human need around the world and have always led people and nations away from the God of of the Holy Bible, sometimes in the name of Christianity itself, as seen in Christian Democracy (which had its origin in Roman Catholicism). In fact, Liberalism promotes worshiping the god of the State and tends to lift the State leader to a level of either deity or demigod, when if fact he is a demagogue, using demagoguery, as seen in the Romanist deification of the Pope.

Corrupted theology leads to corrupted government, and that is not a false narrative.

(11/1/15 dlg on fb)

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