Friday, November 6, 2015

Beware The False Narrative That Says You Must Have Sinful Nature All Of Your Life.

Beware The False Narrative That Says You Must Have Sinful Nature All Of Your Life.

One of the most popular false narratives is that Christians must struggle with an inner urge to sin because they will always have the sinful nature, a.k.a.
the "flesh" (which is not to be confused with the physical body, also known as the flesh),
the Carnal Mind,
the Double Mind,
the Old Man,
the Root of Bitterness,
the Evil Heart of Unbelief,
the Law of Sin and Death.

It is true that we are born with a sinful nature, and it is true that the "old man" (attitude with propensity to sin) remains in the born again believer (which explains the inner struggle in Romans 7), but it is also true that God delivers believers from all sin, including the sin nature, when a believer makes full surrender and dies to self, the world and to sin. This entire sanctification (purifying of the heart) that takes place with the infilling of the Holy Spirit.

This purification of the heart and life does not make it impossible for a Christian to sin. Just as Adam was created without a sin nature, he still had the choice to obey or disobey God. Purified believers are not only cleansed from the guilt of their sins (which they have committed against God), they are cleansed from the inherited "bent to sin."

When a person becomes a Christian he is justified (forgiven and made righteous), regenerated (born again, recipient of life and new nature from the Holy Spirit), adopted (legal status with God).

When a believer receives the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the old nature (the remaining evil disposition) is removed through the purifying presence of the Holy Spirit, the cleansing of the blood of Christ, the infusion of the word of God and the influence of the truth.

The believer is still human, with weaknesses and short comings, but he can then love God with all of his heart and mind and soul and strength, and his neighbor as himself.

It is not that the believer changes his direction when he gets entirely sanctified, since the born again believer turns from sin to walk in righteousness by the power of the Holy Spirit, who lives within. The difference is that there is not an inward battle about which direction to go. The battle is with outward influences, not with self.

The justified have life,
The purified have abundant life.
The justified have joy,
The purified have joy unspeakable and full of glory.
The justified have peace with God,
The purified have the very peace of God, ruling in their hearts.
The justified have love,
The purified have perfect love abounding.

For the purified...
The devil still lives and works to destroy the believer.
Life is still filled with temptation and torment.
The purified are still able to sin, but they are no longer prone to sin.
The purified walk in the Spirit and not in the flesh.

(10/16/15 dlg on fb)

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