Friday, September 25, 2015


I recently heard some men talking about a ball player being "too Christian" to be a good player. They said that a person had to get angry, lose their temper to play competitively. On the other hand, Chuck Norris said, "Men are like steel, when they lose their temper, they lose their worth."

Don't be confused; "having temper" is not the same as, "having a bad temper." Notice two different uses of the word, "temper."

Don't let sports define your vocabulary or determine your doctrine. The word TEMPER has two Different meanings. Unfortunately people have been led to believe that RAGE and ANGER are essential to intense athletic performance. NOT SO. Temper tantrums misdirect energy and focus, and contribute to brutality and thuggery in sports. "TEMPER," as mental and emotional hardness (toughness), is the productive TEMPER needed for success.

Sadly, the thugs are often the "heroes" in sports today. If your choice is between playing angry or not playing, then be a real winner, don't play. Self control and love are part of the Christian uniform, regardless of the game that is being played. If anger is required for success then you are on the wrong team.

Google search definition for, TEMPER.
a person's state of mind seen in terms of their being angry or calm.
"he rushed out in a very bad temper"
an angry state of mind.
"Drew had walked out in a temper"
synonyms: fit of rage, rage, fury, fit of pique, tantrum, bad mood, mood, sulk, huff; More
the degree of hardness and elasticity in steel or other metal.
"the blade rapidly heats up and the metal loses its temper"

People have no more right to have carnal anger, bad attitude during a ball game or sporting event than they do at a business meeting, a orchestral performance, a political gathering or a religious meeting. In fact, I would not be under the tutelage of a leader that encouraged anger, which often results in violence. God's word, God's rule does not get left in the locker room. If God is not Lord of a person's life on the playing field, then God is not Lord of that person in the game of life.

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