Saturday, September 12, 2015


This Should Sober Up those People Who Deny The Rule Of God In Their Lives.

For all my Bible DIS-believing friends. You have to at least say that it is, "quite a coincidence," as we watch international events unfold and coalitions develop. We are seeing Biblical prophecy take place in an astounding way. You can call it a coincidence, I call it Divine prophecy. God foretold the alignment that would take place between Iran and Russia. He also told that specific Mideastern and African nations would join forces against Israel.

And remember, these are not just events in a vacuum. They are significant events concerning earth's timetable and the coming destruction under a world ruler who rules over a one world government, with a one world economy and a one world religion. It is a sign concerning the sure return of Christ to conquer and rule all nations of the world and to set up a kingdom, headquartered in Jerusalem, and the Jewish Temple, from which Jesus will rule the world.

Yet, you choose not to believe the Bible, concerning morality, concerning Divine rule, concerning the nature and ministry of Jesus Christ, concerning salvation, concerning unabated surrender and service to God.

You think you can continue to play the spiritual harlot by rejecting the Son of God and the revelation of God, and joining yourself to the anti-Christ rule of State religion and other false religions.

It is especially disturbing to watch as our nation promotes agenda of the enemies of God. But this is to be expected, when people reject Christ and His rule, they have to look elsewhere for leadership.

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