Friday, September 25, 2015

Liberalism Saves From Guilt Feelings

Liberalism Saves From Guilt Feelings... but leaves you in your guilt.

Secular Humanism, through it's various channels of confusion (macro evolution, materialism, naturalism, realism, Christ-less psychology) has taught that man has GUILT FEELINGS, imposed by archaic belief systems (and they include Biblical Christianity), but they also say those feelings have nothing to do with our actual condition and are not the result of any supposed Divine communication.

Liberalism Opposed to Supernaturalism
We have watched society become accepting of more and more sin and debauchery as it eliminates the supernatural and spiritual and Biblical and Christian influences from our lives, through liberal education, liberal religion, liberal politics. The more liberal society becomes, the less accepting of the Holy Bible, the Lordship of Christ, and obedient to God society becomes.

Liberalism Leaves Actual Guilt
Though liberalism has succeeded in getting men to sear their consciences and cut their ties to the Holy Bible and its salvation, thus disavowing guilt feelings for any and every kind of sin against the God of the Bible, it has not been able to remove the actual guilt and sin that separates man from God.

The Only Cure
The only cure for actual guilt, to which we become aware, is realized through guilt feelings, as the Holy Spirit convicts us of our disobedience to God and His word, resulting in godly sorrow, which then seeks forgiveness for sins, and accepts the salvation, which is provided by God, published in the Holy Bible, procured by Christ, proclaimed by Christ followers and personalized through the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Do not buy the lies of liberalism. Instead, believe the word of God.
You have sinned.
Your sins have separated you from God, and will separate you from God for eternity.
You cannot deliver yourself from either your actual guilt or the cause of your actual guilt.
God wants to deliver you from your guilt and your sins.

Accept the fact that you have sinned and you are separated from God.
Believe that Christ died and rose again as the sacrifice which provides you with deliverance.
Confess your sins to Christ, confess Christ as the risen Lord of your life.
Depart from evil and follow Christ.

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