Wednesday, August 5, 2015



Think about it.

The Bible believers, the Christ followers boldly asserted that it was wrong to kill the baby inside of the woman because it was a human being.

The Bible deniers, the Christ rejectors said it was good for a woman to rid herself of globs of goop and tissue because It was not actually human anyway, and it was her right. (But it is strange, if the "fetus" was not a human or not a baby, then why did they argue that abortion was a good way to control unwanted population?)

Not only did godless America buy into the atheist lie, they stood by while the aborta-ticians made money butchering women, killing babies and making extra money selling BABY PARTS, all the while laughing at the fools who trusted them, and supported them through government approved and imposed programs.

America has supported the Molech monsters for so long that they are deaf to the voice of God and are ready to eliminate the messengers of God, one way or the other.

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