Monday, August 3, 2015


I remember, in the 1960s, the USA was said to be about fifty years behind Europe. This is in respect to social concerns, such as world view, academics, religion, government. Recently I have read that the gap has been closed to ten years, though I think we are now within a few steps. Of course I did not agree with the assessment at that time because I did not understand the basis for such an evaluation. I did not understand that the world is inverted for the "progressive" change agents and social engineers.

I came to understand that America was behind Europe in our decline, but sadly we are catching up. It is like the adage which says, if you want to know what a person will be like in the future, look at her mother (his father) today. This is not always true and it is not always bad.

America's decline has taken place later but faster than the change, decomposing, collapse of Europe. As an American youth I could not envision a failed America. I could not imagine a citizenry that would turn against freedom in favor of Statism, from capitalism in favor of socialism, from freedom of religion for Christians in favor of anything and everything else instead. It did not take me long, as a Bible student, to realize the futility of my American dream. Sinful man is determined to destroy whatever good, with which God endows us, including the great experiment in freedom, called, The United States of America.

BY THE WAY, the rest of the world also saw America's exceptionalism and wanted it, or at least wanted the benefits of our success. Some of them wanted the freedoms without the moral and spiritual framework that actually gave us our stability.

Now we see America in an ever increasing downward death spiral. Preachers failed to proclaim the power of the transforming grace of God and the Christian's need for obedient faith. Churches severed themselves from the Headship of Christ and accepted the State as their new master. Americans chose bondage to sin instead of freedom in Christ. Yep, we followed in the steps of "progressive" Europe, and we have finally caught up to their ruin.

Hope in this world, in this time, in men and their systems is futility. Only hope in Christ holds any real promise.

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