Tuesday, December 22, 2015


I was teaching the congregation the glorious truth that God justifies the sinner and entirely sanctifies the believer, making us holy, righteous, pure, perfect in love, even as God is. At an appropriate moment, a nine year old asked a very important question. It went something like this...
"If a Christian dies before he gets rid of his sinful nature, will God take his sinful nature away when he goes to heaven?"

(WOW! What an awesome question! I even said it was a great question at the time, then I answered, something like this...)

NO. If a believer does not get rid of the sinful nature in this life, he will not go to heaven. In fact, there are whole groups that teach us that God does not cleanse us from all sin in this life. They teach that we keep the sinful nature until we die, and then God cleanses us.

(I pointed out)
The Bible says that we are to follow peace with all men and holiness, "WITHOUT WHICH NO MAN SHALL SEE THE LORD." Holiness is actually THE purity, THE sanctification, THE holiness that comes from God at the time of total surrender, in this life.

God says that the way into heaven is for the sinner to cleanse his hands (the way he lives) and to purify his heart (his inner self). We are cleansed from all sin and purified ONLY if we trust Jesus to take away our sins (actions) and our sin (sinful nature). Those who look forward to the return of Jesus to the earth are supposed to be without spot, wrinkle, blemish or any such thing. We are to be perfect in love, just as our Father in heaven is perfect in love.

Death is not our friend. Death is not our savior. The wages of sin is death, not a pure heart.

(Of course, I gave much more info and detail than this, but this gives you an idea of that one moment in our service.)

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