Wednesday, December 23, 2015


I had a dream about someone who use to be very loving and caring and sensitive. Over the years this person became harsh, self oriented, arrogant. In the dream, while I was talking with other people, this person became part of the story. He (or she) entered the dream, without fanfare or introduction. I immediately knew the person and greeted him. He did not enter the scenario with any bluster, but rather stepped to the back of the scene and simply listened while I continued to share with someone. When I turned to this person, he let down the harder exterior and melted in humility and remorse. Through tears, the person expressed sorrow for the years of pride and separation and hurt that he had caused. I could feel the transformation that returned this person to the loving, caring individual he had been.

It was sooooo real. All those years of relational and emotional separation were bridged by an attitude of repentance. It was only a dream. But there was nothing in the dream that was impossible.

There are people who have cast away their God given sensitivity, compassion, humility, while assuming an air of superiority, harshness, "me-ism." But the fact is, he could abandon that sinking ship of selfishness, turn from a path of self orientation. He could return to the warm, soft, considerate, loving person God intended him to be, without losing his uncompromising determination to stand for Jesus.

But sadly, PRIDE and SELF ORIENTATION (even in the name of holiness) are unbreakable bonds that hold willing people captive. The longer a person is enslaved to this wicked task master, the harder it is for him to escape. The only deliverance is total surrender, unwavering faith and a willingness to restore broken relationships.

Most of the time, such a person will only know the comfort of self absorption and human praise rather than the joy and peace of total cleansing from Jesus.

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