Monday, December 14, 2015


I was thinking about the futility of sin (as well as the insanity of sin). Sin does not obtain for you, that which satisfies you. But if sin could secure the desired result of the sinner, think about this...

* If Lucifer could have attained to his objective (usurping the throne of God), which he could not, at least it would have been an objective of significance, as seen from a twisted mind. (Don't misunderstand me, it was an entirely evil endeavor.)
* Likewise, if Adam could have become a god, equal to the Only God (which he could not), then it would have been a most noteworthy action. (Again, it was a twisted and futile desire).

HOWEVER, I see people who raise their puny fist of rebellion against God and His word, for nothing of any significance.

* In fact, their selfish ambitions are not even designed to obtain a significant victory.
* They are just mean because they want to be mean.
* They are just selfish because they want to be selfish.
* They are just divisive because they want to be divisive.
*They cannot even mask their wickedness in the guise of a higher achievement.
* They burn a swath to the sea, without bringing any deliverance.
* They destroy relationships without establishing a higher order.
* They ruin loved ones, without obtaining a prize.

Lucifer and Adam were eternally wrong in their attempts at anarchy, but destroying that which is good, just because you are angry is not only wrong, it is STUPID.

I am not encouraging anyone to do evil for a "good reason." I am saying that doing evil for no reason, adds stupidity to futility.

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