(This statement will be of interest to only a small number, though everyone needs to understand the principle.)
If your theology, your doctrine, your hermeneutics do not translate into holiness of heart and life, perfect love, Christ likeness, then you are wasting your time, your energy, your life.
There are numberless Biblical and Christian facts and truths, about which I know nothing. Likewise, what I don't know about the things that I do know about is measureless. I would like to know more about many of the things, of which I am barely conversant, as well as the things, with which I am more informed.
But knowing about the Bible and the Christian faith is not as important as knowing Him and the power of His resurrection.
I believe we all need to grow in grace AND KNOWLEDGE. I believe we all need to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES. I believe we all need to use our God given intelligence to the utmost.
But, if I ever find out that natural science, history, archaeology, and linguistics have proved that the Holy Bible is wrong in its clear statements of revelation, I will not abandon the sure word of God for all of the imagined wisdom of the ages, or all of the modern discoveries of human investigation. No matter what evidence or proof is ever offered in contradiction to the authority and validity of the Holy Bible, it is illusionary, and whoever asserts any opposition to the word of God is a false prophet and a deceiver.
If any teaching of any Bible scholar teaches any thing that re-interprets what the Bible actually says, then that "teacher" is in error and is following a errant pathway. Those who follow those leaders will be as lost as those leaders are.
Satan's objective is to get us to deny the Holy Bible. When he fails at that task, he endeavors to take us on a wild goose chase, even if it is in the name of Biblical scholarship.
Sadly, great numbers of people are being led astray by the voices of popular "Christian" gurus. These "giants of the faith" can be found in abundance on television, radio, printed material, internet and conference tours. People will readily memorize the views of these "mighty men (and women) of God," as if their words are the word of God. This fits into the Biblical concept of people, in the end times, ever learning, but never coming to the knowledge of the truth (2 Tm. 3:7).
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